Black Bird Registry Cleaner 1.0

Black Bird Registry Cleaner 1.0

Keep your Windows Registry clean and error-free to improve your PC's efficiency
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Keeping your Windows Registry free from obsolete or broken entries, defragmentation, and duplicate values will help your operating system to load and search these crucial databases faster and more smoothly. Black Bird Registry Cleaner comes with a series of powerful scan options that will detect and remove any invalid, duplicate, or useless entries from your system’s Registry in a snap.

Meddling with your Windows Registry is a sensitive maintenance operation that shouldn’t be performed lightly. Despite the promises of supersonic speeds and error-free PC performance present in all Registry cleaners’ ads, removing all unnecessary and wrong entries from it won’t do much difference. Unless your system’s Registry has suffered major damage due to a virus attack or a similar threat, your operating system is more than capable of running smoothly with all those obsolete and duplicate entries. If, despite that, you still think your system needs a Registry clean-up, Black Bird’s utility can help you detect all of those unnecessary items in just a few seconds.

Though Black Bird Registry Cleaner, just like most other similar tools, offers you the possibility of removing all offending entries right away in a one-click operation, I advise you to take the time to do that yourself manually for various reasons. Firstly, because just as nearly all other Registry cleaners, this tool will present you with a mixture of legit duplicate, obsolete, or broken entries and a number of false positives. Removing these false positives lightly may bring serious consequences for your system’s performance. Secondly, because unless you have backed up the Registry beforehand, you won’t have the chance to reverse those changes easily if anything goes south. This app offers you no Registry backup and restore capabilities, though it does offer (and recommend you) to create a system restore point – a much more costly (in terms of disk space and processing time) fallback solution.

Though Black Bird Registry Cleaner shows you a list of all the potentially harmful entries found during the scan process for you to deal with manually, the information provided is as cryptic for the untrained eye as the one you get cracking open the Registry using Regedit. Thus, it is hard – if not impossible – to say if the proposed useless entry is a duplicate entry, an obsolete one, or a leftover from a badly uninstalled program. If you don’t know what it is or how harmful it is for your system, my advice is to leave it where it is.

The program’s Pro version comes with a Deep Scan, a Privacy Protection, and a more powerful PC Optimization set of options. It can also fix any invalid or corrupted Registry entry, which – as mentioned above – can make a difference in some cases. The trial/free version provided merely cleans up and optimizes your PC with one click. None of them, however, will boost up your system’s performance or make its apps run any faster.

FM Senior editor
Francisco Martínez
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Review summary


  • Quick Registry scan
  • Creates system restore points


  • No Registry backup and restore features
  • The trial versión performs a basic optimization process
  • False positives
  • Not suitable for inexperienced users


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